This is a black-and-white collection of images from daily life on the deck of a tugboat. The focus is on the line on the deck in daily use.

Black and white dewdrops
A foggy and misty morning in the San Jaun Islands With the water droplets beating up on the freshly painted bow nose and the bow lines,

Old Tag line
After noon, the sun will shine over the tag line.
After noon, sun light spilled over a tag line for the spring line and the port side midship H-bets. On the deck of a tugboat in the PNW.

Bow H-Bet
A black-and-white view from the upper wheelhouse of the evening light over the bow and H-bet of a tugboat from the PNW.

This image is of the back deck of a tugboat. The focus is a snatch block with a stern line from the tow winch going up to the barge.

Stren Line Shadows
Afternoon sun light rays are helping to make the long shadows on the stern of the Matson cargo ship with its rusted stern, giving the scene a serene yet industrial beauty, and the three stern lines going to the dock are throwing shadows on the stern.